A wise man once said, “It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness.”
“When enthusiasm is driven by confidence any goal can be attained” – Robert Regent
While we cannot control the events that happen in our lives, we can master how we experience these events.
How to take charge of your emotions
Music has the ability to impact us in a way that no other art form does. It unearths something deep within us that allows us to be transported to a specific place and time in our lives.
Pain-Free Performance Reviews? Possible. Here are 5 Tips for Getting There.
The “annual” performance review system is broken. And fixing the system won’t be easy. But start with more frequent, less critical feedback.
Workplace Wellness Programs:
A Winning Idea in Which Employees Acquire Better Health While Employers Receive Higher Productivity… and Perhaps Both See Lower Healthcare Bills
All Business Is Personal: Employees Need Human Connections at Work
Employee engagement starts with meaningful relationships. Companies that don’t support those interactions will see productivity tank as their best talent walks.
Happy Easter!
3 Ways to Be Happily Engaged at Work
It’s very easy to say your work sucks because your boss is mean and doesn’t care. But let’s be honest — if you think that, you don’t care either. If you did, you’d do something to feel better.