Posts Categorized: Management Tips

4 New Approaches to Fight Work Place Harassment

Workplace harassment is virtually an epidemic these days — the EEOC says a third of the nearly 100,000 charges it receives annually now include a harassment allegation. But the agency’s taking steps to help both workers and managers handle the problem.

What to Do When Two Candidates Are Tied in a Dead Heat

Sometimes, choosing the right candidate for a job is a clear-cut decision — experience, skillset, and cultural fit will align in such a way that turning them down would be downright foolish. But more often, the decision’s not so easy. When your top candidates have similar backgrounds, or are each appealing in their own way,… Read More »

Danger of Toxic Employees

A lot’s been written about how much a bad hire (one you terminate and replace quickly) costs companies. But a group of researchers has taken that concept a bit further — examining how much letting a toxic employee stick around costs employers